Thursday 29 May 2008

Steve Coogan - Coogan Hits Back At Love Over Wilsons Failed Suicide

Funnyman STEVE COOGAN has hit back at former girlfriend COURTNEY LOVE for claiming he was to blame for alleged OWEN WILSON's suicide bid.

The Wedding Crashers star was rushed to hospital after reportedly slashing his wrists at his home in Santa Monica, California, last August (07).

Shortly after, Love claimed Coogan's alleged past drug use was a negative influence on Wilson and was partly to blame for his suicide attempt.

But the Alan Partridge star denies he was the catalyst for the event - insisting he has a drug-free relationship with Wilson.

He says, "Owen and I have a completely apple-pie friendship. We run together on Venice Beach. I have never had a drink or taken drugs with him."

Coogan entered rehab in 2004 to receive treatment for his drug addiction but insists he no longer takes mind-altering substances because he spends all his time working.

He says, "I don't take drugs anymore. Clarity of mind is very precious to me. If you have an addictive personality, you have to channel it in a positive, productive way. I'm a workaholic."

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